Sunday, March 25, 2012

League of Women Voter's Candidate Forum available Online

Here is a great way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon. J

If you were unable to attend last Tuesday night’s League of Women Voter’s Candidate Forum, it is now available online.  You can also watch it on TV (the listings are below).

The entire forum is about 1 hour and 9 minutes long.  In my opinion, this forum is particularly important, as I believe it clearly shows the contrast between our policies. I believe that I am the only candidate prepared to continue to move Centreville forward.

I would urge you to watch the entire forum, but if your time is short, just scroll to the questions you are most interested in, based on the timeline below.

Here is the link to the forum: (this link is available to watch anytime)

Candidate Opening Statements
6:13    McCluskey
8:00    Lins

Question 1:    How do you feel about the current state of the Wharf and what do you see as its role in the future of Centreville?
9:30    Lins
11:45  McCluskey

Question 2:    With the rapid growth in Centreville in the last 8-10 years, what services are we providing to our citizens that fit the needs of our various neighborhoods?  Are those services adequate?  If not, what additional services would you provide?
14:00  McCluskey
16:00  Lins

Question 3:    What steps would you have the town take to improve communication with citizens?
17:25  Lins
19:10  McCluskey

Question 4:    How can we preserve Centreville’s small town atmosphere while encouraging economic development with a friendly, concerned business environment?
21:25  McCluskey
23:15  Lins

Question 5:    Federal, State and County governments are facing fiscal problems and cannot provide the support they have in the past.  How would you help the town address financial stability?
24:40  Lins
26:25  McCluskey

Question 6:    What is your vision for the town ten years hence?  If elected, how would you make your vision a reality?
28:45  McCluskey
30:20  Lins

Questions from the audience:

1.         Royce Herman: What will you do to incentivize non-retail businesses to come to town? (33:05)
            34:00  McCluskey
            35:05  Lins

2.         Bob Elliott:     How is the town being run now?  Do you think it’s positive or negative and why? (36:30)
            36:55  Lins
            38:20  McCluskey

3.         Dick Smith:    What has been your plan over the last 3 years to bring in revenue at the Wharf? (40:00)
            40:20  McCluskey
            41:40  Lins

4.         Corey Jenkins:          Do you want to cut taxes and if so, do you plan on selling the Wharf or postpone infrastructure such as
Railroad Avenue
improvements? (42:30)
            42:55  Lins
            43:50  McCluskey

5.         Mary Margaret Goodwin:     Does the Don Braden letter represent your campaign?  How many Town Council meetings over the past 18 months have you attended to prepare for this position?   (44:45)

6.         Greg Kavanagh:        What is your current understanding of previously proposed subsidized housing projects from last year?
            46:40  McCluskey
            47:29  Lins

7.         Fred McNeil:  What are your ideas to deal with the burden of traffic in town and heavy vehicles at high speed? (49:40)
            50:33  Lins
            51:40  McCluskey

8.         Jean Moore:  What can you do to see if the State Roads department will put painted arrows on
Water Street
at the intersection of Water & Liberty Streets? (53:40)    
            54:38  McCluskey
            55:30  Penny

9.         Kara Snyder: How do you plan on being a present, daily face in this town to serve it’s citizens? (55:50)
            56:35  Lins
            57:14  McCluskey

10.       Joe Brown:     What kind of a plan do we have to repair some of our roads that are in really bad shape? (58:38)
            58:55  McCluskey
            1:00:30           Lins

11.       Lauri Giordano:         Does that town have plans to repave Kidwell in the same manner of
Chesterfield Ave
? (1:00:40)
            1:01:00           McCluskey
            1:01:29           Lins

12.       Mary Roby:     Can you speak about the constant yield? (1:01:40)
            1:02:00           McCluskey
            1:03:05           Lins

13.       Jim Kindle:     What are your ideas on the constant tax rate with all the growth? (1:03:20)
            1:03:42           McCluskey
            1:04:35           Lins

Closing Statements:
1:05:25           Lins
1:06:50           McCluskey

The election is on MONDAY, APRIL 2nd.  The polling location is the Goodwill Fire Company, 212 Broadway.  Polls will be open from 12:00 p.m. through 7:00 p.m.

This is an important election.  If you believe that Centreville has moved forward over the past 3 years, I urge you to stay the course and re-elect me to another term.
I am available anytime if you have any questions.
I welcome your comments and critique on my performance in this forum, and I look forward to seeing you at the polls.

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