I have been asked to comment on 2 proposed infill development projects in Centreville.
Neither of these projects have yet been approved for development.
As with any development proposal, this is a long process, and due to the nature of the financing for these proposals, partially coming from, the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, the stage we’re in right now is merely an acknowledgment that the town is aware that the project is being proposed and that the town is willing to work with the developer on the project if selected for funding.
The resolution in no way binds the town in ANY way to anything in the future. The town has considered these resolutions in the past, as previously proposed in 2007-2008 when Osprey was considering a similarly funded development on Spring Street. At that time, they were not selected to receive the financing and the project died before it came back for any further review.
The funding is a complicated competitive bid process and the funding sources require this acknowledgment by the local governing body for consideration in the bidding process..
Both of these proposed projects are ‘infill developments’ and are currently in the town limits. The Town Council will certainly consider impacts to our infrastructure as well as town staff as the process moves forward.
The resolution merely informs the funding source that the town is aware of the project. We have not made ANY concessions nor negotiations.
As I stated in the council meeting last night, I have concerns with this project. We don’t yet have enough information about the project for a full approval, and the planning commission hasn’t yet even seen their proposal. At this time, they have only asked for approval of a resolution, in which the council has modified the language, to better define our expectations.
This is a long process. If this project ever gets built, it will have to go through a full site plan process with the planning commission, as well as public works agreement with the town council. The town planning commission is an independent body, and in no way is influenced or bound by any language in the resolution.
Attachments: Letter to Delaware Valley Development Corp (Note: they asked the town for a waiver of impact fees, which we acknowledged. It is important to note that the town has no say over impact fees. These are fees charged by Queen Anne's County, of which we have no influence.)
Resolution 01-2011 to Osprey Development Corporation
I do not have permission to view the documents.